Learn to Play Golf !?
'Get into Golf' - '5 for 75'
@ The Blairgowrie Golf Club
with Graeme Leggat  PGA Advanced Golf Professional

Golf is a game that can be enjoyed young or old whether you are still a worker of the world or are retired. Golf is a great way to spend time outdoors, and it is certainly not a good walk spoiled.
Blairgowrie Golf Club in Perthshire has a large catchment area and can be reached easily whether in the area or coming from outside the area being equi distant from both Perth and Dundee.
If you are thinking about learning how to play golf why not come to Blairgowrie Golf Club ? The club has the ideal practice facillities for learning as well as for your own practice.
A good learning environment is to learn with a small group of friends or other like minded beginners. This way you can mark your progress against the others in the group and it is also great from a social point of view as well as practicing together you are getting to know possible playing partners for the future. This way you will have weekly lessons for a fixed period and will have time to practice on your own in between lessons. You will learn all the basic techniques as well as elements of The Rules of Golf and etiquette.
For reasons of quality and individual attention a Beginners Groups Lesson = Min 4 Persons Max 6 Persons = Total of
5 hours. done in a block of 5 Lessons.
Example of a '5 For 75' Groups Lesson
Week 1 Lesson 1 Golf Swing
Week 2 Lesson 2 Chipping & Putting
Week 3 Lesson 3 Golf Swing
Week 4 Lesson 4 Pitching & Putting
Week 5 Lesson 5 Golf Swing & Bunker
Total cost of the above = For only £75.00 PP* payable in advance of 1st Lesson
*Price includes range balls and use of a club(s) should you not have clubs during the lesson.
Interested ? Please <<Contact Me>>